Main Dekhu Teri PhotoHindi RingtoneYou can play and download Main Dekhu Teri Photo mp3 song ringtone for free on your android device to set as your mobile ringtone. Also, you will find the best HIndi Ringtones here, If you like Main Dekhu Teri Photo mp3 song ringtone, please share with othersRelated Ringtone:Main Dekha Teri Photo Dekhu TujheTujhe Na Dekhu TohVekhi Vekhi Teri Photo VekhTeri Bahon Se Teri Rahon SeTeri In Baahon Mein Teri Panahon MeinTeri Meri Meri Teri Prame Kahani H Mushkil teri galiya mujhko bhave teri galiya Teri Meri Teri Meri aashiqui Teri Panaah Main Hame